如何在WordPress上找到并修复孤立的内容或页面?+ 7个工具

如何在WordPress上找到并修复孤立的内容或页面?+ 7个工具

10% of the web is made up of orphaned content. This means that a significant portion of web pages are not connected to any other pages on the same website. Without internal links, search engines like Google have a difficult time discovering and indexing these pages.

When a web page has no internal links, it is considered an orphaned page. This can happen for various reasons, such as a page being deleted or moved without updating the internal links, or a new page being created without being properly connected to the rest of the website.

Orphaned content can be problematic for SEO because search engines rely on internal links to navigate and understand the structure of a website. Without these links, search engines may not be able to find and index the content, resulting in lower rankings or exclusion from search results.

To ensure that your content ranks well in search results, it is important to regularly audit your website for orphaned content and fix any internal linking issues. This involves identifying pages with no internal links and either adding relevant links or redirecting the pages to other related content.

By properly linking your content and ensuring that all pages are connected within your website, you can improve your website’s visibility and increase the likelihood of higher rankings in search engine results.