2025年的8个最佳React表单库 [2023]

web forms are an important aspect of web development as they are used to interact with users. for instance, they can collect user data through sign-ups/ins or sending messages.

you can create forms in react from scratch. however, that approach will consume a lot of your time. luckily, you can use ready-made forms packaged in the form of libraries.

react form libraries are a collection of pre-designed forms you can import into your react applications. such libraries help you save time and are created to be responsive to different screen sizes.

these are some of the reasons to use react form libraries;

  • simplified form management: forms are used to collect user data. in a typical form submission process, the state changes a lot. for instance, when a user signs in, the state changes from a visitor to a logged user. react form libraries provide a simpler way to manage these forms, from handling submissions and validation to state management.
  • integration with ui frameworks: most react form libraries integrate with popular ui component frameworks like material ui and bootstrap. you can thus use forms from such frameworks and enjoy consistent styling in your forms.
  • easy validation: most react form libraries allow flexible validation of your forms. validation can happen at the form or input level.
  • error handling and feedback: most libraries provide features for highlighting error messages. you can thus get alerts when your forms fail and know why.

these are the best react form libraries you can start using today;

react hook form

react hook form is a performant and extensible forms library with an easy-to-use validation. this open-source library is available for web and mobile apps through react native.


  • performant: forms created using this library are small and fast. react hook form does away with unnecessary re-renders.
  • supports validation: react hook form allows you to add validation to your forms to ensure users submit valid data. for instance, you can set the minimum number of characters for a password or describe the email format needed.
  • comes with a form creator: instead of relying on and editing existing components, this library gives you control over form creation. the templates are already styled; you can add and delete fields effortlessly.
  • comprehensive apis: depending on your needs, you can use different react hook forms apis. for instance, you can use usecontroller api in your controlled forms. on the other hand, you can use the useformstate to enable individual form state updates.


formik is a scalable and performant react form library that works with web and mobile applications. this library can be installed using package managers like npm or yarn. formik allows you to build high-performance forms with less code through its battle-tested solutions.


kendoreact form是一个功能强大的react库,您可以使用它来从任何模式创建表单。用户可以使用内置的字段来简化表单创建,从而减少了51%的代码。该库以其漂亮的组件和支持关注点分离而闻名。


  • 集成各种模式:您可以使用kendoreact form与json模式、simpleschema、graphql和zod一起使用。
  • 可用的各种主题:kendoreact form与大多数ui样式框架(如antd主题,bootstrap,mui,material ui,semantic ui和plain html)兼容。
  • 可定制:该库的组件提供的字段是完全可定制的。您可以基于主题相关方法或抽象级别模式定义自定义字段。
  • 支持验证:您可以在组件中实现异步或内联表单验证,或同时使用两者。
  • 自动状态管理:kendoreact form不依赖于redux和mobx等外部状态管理库。



  • 支持自定义组件:您可以从头开始创建您的react表单,让kendoreact表单来管理状态。
  • 灵活的验证:您可以通过在字段级别或整个表单上验证来确保您的表单捕获正确的信息。
  • 可定制:kendoreact表单有许多组件可供您导入到您的应用程序中。您可以根据您的品牌需求和样式添加新字段、删除或更改内容。
  • 灵活的布局:您可以依靠内置组件来指导您构建表单的结构。该库允许您选择水平和垂直布局以满足您的需求。
  • 组件集成:该工具具有内置功能,允许用户编辑和自定义他们的表单。这种方法确保kendoreact套件对表单采取一致的方法。




  • 支持自定义元素:formsy-react允许您创建任何表单元素并享受验证功能。
  • 错误处理和验证:formsy-react具有内置功能,显示错误消息并根据验证结果提供反馈。
  • 支持验证:您可以在表单或输入级别对组件进行验证。
  • 处理程序:您可以使用像'onsubmit'或'onvalid'这样的处理程序来处理表单的不同状态。




  • 无界面:houseform不提供任何ui组件。因此,它允许您引入自己的组件并使用其验证功能。
  • 以字段为先:这个工具允许您将ui和验证逻辑集中在字段中。
  • 灵活的api:houseform不强制您使用一种验证方法。因此,您可以根据自己的需求混合和匹配验证方法。
  • 运行时无关:您可以在运行react应用程序的任何环境中使用houseform。
  • 轻量快速:整个包只有4kb gzip。houseform经过测试,发现比现有的替代方案更快。


react-reactive-form 是一个允许您在组件类中构建表单对象树,然后将其与本机表单控件元素绑定的库。使用npm安装此库,并立即将其组件导入到您的react应用程序中。

  • 零依赖:随着应用程序的增长,表单可能会变得非常庞大。react-reactive-form没有依赖关系,这意味着您不必太担心性能。
  • 订阅者:此功能使跟踪表单中控件的状态和值变化变得容易。
  • 验证:react-reactive-form具有各种验证器,您可以在表单中使用它们。如果您的任务更具体,还可以使用自定义同步和异步验证器。
  • 选择api:根据任务的不同,有几个api可供选择。例如,您可以使用“formgenerator” api创建大型表单。您还可以使用“formarray”和“formgroup” api更好地管理您的表单。
  • 嵌套表单:react-reactive-form允许您在另一个表单内部创建表单。当处理复杂或分层数据时,这种方法非常适用。



