

are several popular version control services to choose from. Some of the most commonly used ones include GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.

GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for Git repositories. It also offers many additional features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and wikis. With GitHub, you can easily collaborate with other developers and contribute to open-source projects.

Bitbucket, on the other hand, is a web-based hosting service that supports both Git and Mercurial repositories. It provides similar features to GitHub, including code collaboration and issue tracking. Bitbucket is often preferred by teams that use Jira, as it integrates well with this project management tool.

GitLab is another popular option for version control. It is a web-based DevOps platform that provides hosting for Git repositories, as well as continuous integration and deployment capabilities. GitLab is known for its robust features and high level of customization.

No matter which version control service you choose, it’s important to have a solid understanding of how to use Git. Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously. It keeps track of changes made to files and allows you to easily merge and manage different versions of your code.

In conclusion, version control services like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab are crucial for managing your project’s git repositories. They provide a collaborative platform for developers to work together and track changes made to their code. By using these services and mastering Git, you can streamline your development process and ensure the success of your project.

使用Probely DAST扫描仪保护API和Web应用程序

使用Probely DAST扫描仪保护API和Web应用程序

application for vulnerabilities before deploying it to a production environment. Web application security testing helps identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your application, allowing you to fix them before attackers can exploit them.

There are several types of web application security testing techniques, including vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code review. Vulnerability scanning involves using automated tools to scan your application for known security vulnerabilities. Penetration testing, on the other hand, involves simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities that may not be detected by automated tools. Code review involves manually reviewing your application’s source code to identify potential security issues.

In addition to these techniques, it is also important to keep your web application secure by following secure coding practices, using strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, and regularly updating and patching your application and underlying infrastructure.

By implementing these security measures and regularly testing your web application for vulnerabilities, you can significantly reduce the risk of a successful web application attack and protect your sensitive data and resources.



你肯定不想在失败后打出“我卡顿了”的字眼,然后遭到无情的回应:“你被碾压了,菜鸟!”。 低帧率是竞技游戏的大忌。当屏幕卡顿时,你根本无法竞争;关键信息延迟,敌人的技能投射没有任何警告就命中。 幸运的是,有很多方法可以提高游戏的帧率,而不必购买更好的电脑。然而,重要的问题是:你愿意为此而放弃什么? 尽管听起来有些激进,但这是事实。要提高帧率,你必须牺牲图形和其他花哨的东西,或者让你的电脑更加努力运转,可能会缩短其使用寿命。 什么是合适的帧率? 在我们关注如何提高帧率之前,你应该知道什么是帧率以及你应该增加多少帧率。拥有非常高的帧率可能听起来是个好主意,但这并不是必需的。特别是因为它受到其他因素的限制,如你的显示器刷新率和人眼的有限帧率感知能力。 帧率(每秒帧数)基本上是指屏幕上显示的每秒图像数。帧率越高,游戏玩起来就越流畅。 一般来说,30帧每秒被认为是可玩的。虽然不是最好的选择,但你仍然可以玩游戏。在大多数以反应为基础的游戏中,30帧每秒肯定会成为障碍,不会让你有竞争力。 60帧每秒通常被认为是流畅的帧率,可以让你在游戏中有竞争力。由于人眼只能舒适地追踪30至60帧每秒,60帧每秒以上的帧率是一种奢侈。 帧率还受到你的显示器刷新率的限制,而60Hz是显示器的标准刷新率。虽然一些显示器的刷新率可以轻松达到144Hz以上。 由于我们在这里追求更高的帧率,你的目标应该是接近60帧每秒。如果你的帧率非常低,那么至少要提高到30帧每秒,以使游戏可以玩起来,直到你完全升级。 如果你愿意继续阅读,你将找到所有需要了解的内容,以提高电脑游戏中的帧率。 调整游戏设置 游戏本身是你应该优化性能的第一件事,因为更改只会影响该游戏,而不会影响其他应用程序。所有图形密集型游戏都有专门的设置,你可以通过降低图形和其他花哨的选项来调整以获得更好的性能。 大多数可用选项在游戏之间是共通的,所以我将解释它们。即使有一些额外的选项可供调整,它们仍然都可以在相同的设置中找到。 更改图形设置…